

2014-09-30 11:58  北京大学EMBA研修班   未知

时 间:2009年11月30日礼拜一 13:30 ? 16:30

For his algorithmic influence in scientific simulation, Dr. Keyes was recognized with the Sidney Fernbach Award of the IEEE Computer Society in 2007 and an ACM Gordon Bell Prize in 1999. He was awarded an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1989 and has won teaching prizes from Columbia, Harvard, and Yale universities. He is a member of the advisory committees of the Mathematics and Physical Sciences Directorate and of the Office of Cyberinfrastructure of the NSF, and has edited agency reports on simulation in fusion, fission, aerodynamics, nanotechnology,北京大学金融班, and other areas. He is a one-time editor of the DOE report A Science-based Case for Large-scale Simulation and he is a founding editor of SIAM's Computational Science & Engineering (CS&E) book series, and Springer's Lecture Notes in CS&E.

地 点:英杰交换核心第八会议室

KAUST is a graduate-only university launched in September 2009, with one of the largest endowments and one of the most powerful computers of any university, and a specialization in research targeting sustainability: energy, food, water, and environment, and with a focus on computational science and engineering. Approximately 350 graduate students, 100 post-docs, and 75 faculty members, are looking to grow to more fully occupy a brand new architecturally spectacular 36 square-km campus, sensitively developed on the shores of the Red Sea about 70 kilometers north of Jeddah. The university is unique among existing academic research institutions in adopting "matrix management" (commonly used in industry and national laboratories) of personnel and projects. Instead of departments oriented around traditional accredited undergraduate programs, KAUST researchers will be organized into interdisciplinary research centers. They are housed long-term corresponding to their disciplinary specialization in divisions, which will offer graduate degree programs in selected areas (beginning with eleven such programs in 2009). KAUST's research agenda emphasizes areas of direct benefit to developing nations: sustainable energy (solar thermal and photovoltaics), clean combustion, water desalination and purification, salt-tolerant agriculture, and sustainable fisheries, alongside advanced topics in information technology, nanotechnology, and biotechnology. KAUST researchers are encouraged to spin off companies in these traditionally decentralized technology areas. In this presentation, the founding dean of the Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering Division will present his perspective on "Why come to KAUST?" to potentially interested future students and faculty collaborators.


Dr. David Elliot Keyes has been appointed Dean of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering and Named Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science at KAUST. As Dean, Dr. Keyes will lead efforts to provide opportunities and facilities for researchers to address important issues pertaining to mathematical and computer sciences.

主 持 人:北京大学工学院唐少强教学

讲座题目:A Nonlinearly Implicit Manifesto

Dr. Keyes graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor's of science in engineering in Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences from Princeton University, and earned a doctorate in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University. He completed his postdoctoral studies in the Computer Science Department of Yale University.

A pioneer in the development of large-scale simulation, he currently leads a mathematical cyberinfrastructure center for the U.S. DOE under the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing initiative, and has previously led one of the Grand, National, and Multidisciplinary Challenges centers of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as one of DOE's Accelerated Strategic Computing centers.



Dr. Keyes is currently the Fu Foundation Professor of Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, an affiliate of several laboratories of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the vice president of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). Dr. Keyes began his career at Yale University, where he taught for eight years, prior to joining Old Dominion University and the Institute for Computer Applications in Science & Engineering at the NASA Langley Research Center in 1993. Between 1999 and 2008, he served part-time as the director of the Institute for Scientific Computing Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

讲座标题:A Nonlinearly Implicit Manifesto





Many simulations must be followed over time intervals that are long compared to the shortest timescales in the system. Often, the phenomena associated with the shortest timescales may be assumed to be in equilibrium relative to dynamics of interest; however, they control the computational timestep if an explicit method is used, with the result that even weak scaling cannot be achieved. Often, as well, one would ideally employ a high-order timestepping scheme and take relatively large timesteps for computational economy; however, if operator-splitting techniques are used the lower order splitting error thwarts this objective. For these and other reasons, fully implicit methods are increasingly important for the nonlinear multiscale applications that pace large-scale simulations in energy, environment, and other complex systems. The good news is that advances in solution algorithms, globalization algorithms, and software that implements them make implicit methods more inviting than ever. Moreover, we argue that computational challenges on the immediate horizon - uncertainty quantification, inverse problems, multiphysics coupling, etc. - are most naturally tackled with fully nonlinearly implicit formulations well in hand. This talk illustrates the case for implicit methods with model problems and challenge problems arising from systems governed by partial differential equations.

With backgrounds in engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science, and consulting experience with industry and national laboratories, Dr. Keyes works at the algorithmic interface between parallel computing and the numerical analysis of partial differential equations, across a spectrum of aerodynamic, geophysical, and chemically reacting flows.

宣讲会题目:Supercomputing to Sustainability

演 讲 人:Dr. David Keyes, Dean, Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering; Named Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science

接洽人:北大工学院 吕婷婷 电话:62757426








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